Method of selecting translators and interpreters
Strict selection, monitoring and evaluation of suppliers guarantees the quality of services required by our customers.
Prior to cooperating with translators we require a document on university graduation (diploma), or other specialization in the given field; a document on language education (certificate and other references on a language level); a letter of appointment is required for court-appointed translators. We give precedence to translators / interpreters who can provide references of previous experience.
A translator or interpreter who shows an interest in cooperating with ABACK linguistic consulting spol. s r.o. must firstly pass a series of difficult and complex tests (translations – both directions, formal editing, or graphic elaboration etc.), with the results being evaluated by our head specialists among which are native speakers. Should everything from a language, content, and formal point of view be in order, the translator is invited for an oral interview. On the basis of this a decision is made to further cooperate or not.
We strive to provide constant improvement of all processes and activities through their control and monitoring, and further methods in conformity with the requirements of the ISO standard.